A site for all ages, but conceived while I was in my 50's and delivered in my 60's!
How this site can help you
This website aims to provide anyone thinking of joining a bike holiday tour with relevant information to either allow them to understand what cycling options may be available wherever they are travelling to, or to find providers who may be offering bikes and or touring services. And yes, it has an Australian flavour reflecting my place of residence.
I started developing this blog in 2018 after being asked regularly for my suggestions to help potential tour riders decide where, when and how to join a cycle tour. I searched the web looking for sites to recommend to them. I could't find a site that brought together the information and advice that I was being regularly asked for.
The 2020 pandemic provided lots of people with time to undertake a wide range of projects and in my case I have used my time to get this site finalised. With the pandemic now being brought under control in many countries, perhaps you are thinking about how you can become involved in the wonderful world of cycle holiday touring! My partner and I always ride together when we travel either interstate or overseas so this blog contains references from me and from us depending on the circumstances of what is being described.
Cycling options around the world were limited throughout most of 2020 & 2021, but as 2021 progressed we started to again think about cycling options for fitness and for fun. There are so many cycling options available and lots of web pages and blogs offering all sorts of advice for cyclists.
When I reviewed these sites I found that they seem to be aimed at dedicated cyclists or people who have been touring for many years. What they didn't cover, and which this site aims to provide, is a level of detail that will help the first or second time cycle tourist to choose the best option for them based on both first hand experience and/or by reading readers' reviews.
Each of the menu tabs above provide the reader with lots of details on the topic listed. Getting Started, as the name suggests deals with the three big issues facing cycle tourists - what is your cycle experience, is cycle touring for you and, if so, should you choose guided or non-guided tours?
Which Bike looks at the different type of bikes that can be used/hired if you are thinking of doing a cycle tour. These range from hybrid bikes right through to the latest e bikes. As e-road bikes are becoming increasing popular and are now in great demand to purchase, or to rent in conjunction with a road tour, this tab finishes off with a comparison of e-road bikes based on data available over the internet.
The next tab is Tips 4 Touring and deals with the many questions about how to join a cycle tour and, if you do, tries to answer the multitude of questions that seem to arise after you book a tour and before you join it.
This leads us to the Reviews tab. This section of the web page is designed to provide both reviews of tours and cycling equipment that I have experienced and to allow you, the reader, to submit your reviews as well.
The last two tabs, About Us and Contact are as they suggest, tabs that provide you with details about the site author and a way to contact me or send in your reviews.
There are shortcuts throughout the site, but ultimately the aim of the site is to ensure that the potential cycle tourist can find the information they need to make their touring decisions. If you find a gap or wish to provide an update or correction, please go to the Contact Us page and send us an email.
How to get into cycle touring - at home and abroad
The combination of personal riding experience and preferred bicycle type can be a useful guide to determining what type of cycle tour might suit you. The Getting Started tab provides a series of tools that hopefully will help you to identify your current riding level and then suggest options that will suit you.
Throughout this website the terms cycle, bicycle and bike are used and are interchangeable.
The website also contains reviews, some of which relate to tours several years ago. Please don't read them as providing a commentary about the experience you will have, but rather read them to gain an impression about locations, facilities, ride difficulty, highlights, etc.
This is not a professional website and the layout and format is a work in progress. If you are viewing this site on a mobile device such as a phone or a tablet, it might be difficult to read some pages. If so, please try viewing on a computer screen.