You are getting close to retiring or already have done so and friends/acquaintances  keep suggesting that you should get into cycle touring because its really fun!  However, you have lots of questions that you want answered before you make any decision.  The sub menu for this web page contains a number of pages that have been written with the aim of helping you with this decision.  Is Cycle Touring For You provides basic information that we hope will help you make the initial decision.

A lot of people in their 50's and 60's have ridden bikes in their teens and possibly their 20's, but otherwise have not ridden for many years. Others have never ridden or conversely, are regular riders locally, but are yet to try bike touring.  Your Riding Experience is a tool I have created to help you identify where you might fit in when it comes to trying to decide your touring style and the types of bikes that might suit your experience. 

Unguided or Guided looks at the touring options available, including self supported so that you can better appreciate all the main options.