I have started this website in 2020 with a series of one paragraph reviews covering the various longer cycle tours I have joined in Europe and the USA over the last ten years. I have tried to cover the topics that seem to elicit interest when discussing our tours with family, friends and people we meet during our rides. The reviews page therefore currently contains two sections, the first devoted to my reviews and the other includes reviews submitted directly to this site using the tool at the bottom of this page.
After looking at the feedback I have received, I added reviews of one day and partial day events as these are often the means by which potential cycle tourists get to experience the joys of cycling.
Please also use the Contact page to suggest improvements or to identify data that needs to be collected but hasn't been so far.
Throughout the website I have made references to cycle tour companies (see Tips 4 Touring for details of the companies I have used), operators, guides, etc. Usually positive, but not always so, but please remember that these are my views and may not accord with your experience or the experience of others that you talk too. Cycle tourists can spend a lot of money doing so and, accordingly, we need as much information as possible to make important expenditure decisions, even if this means have to weigh up competing opinions and make a personal decision.
So, please, have a read, make a decision and then spend whatever time is required getting ready to ride!
Have you a review to add about a tour or a ride you have joined in the last 12 months? If so, please prepare a review that addresses the items below and either email it to or use the link provided below If you have one, please also include a low resolution photo that sums up the tour or ride.
Of course reviews don't have to be positive as my review of our German/French ride attests, but reviews will be checked to ensure that posting them will not create a problem for this website. In addition, if a review is too big for the site, the author may be asked to edit it.
Review Items
Tour Name and Location including Country and Locality or City:
Tour Provider/Operator:
Month/Year of Tour:
Tour Length:
Type of Event - e.g. organised, but self guided; bike & barge; bike & hotel; half day city tour; Gran Fondo one day ride; etc:
150 word description including highlights, lowlights, and anything special that might have stood out such as quality of accommodation or the noteworthiness of meals. Reviews allow others to gain general understanding of what they can expect to do/see. Any description of your specific experience can be useful, but please keep negative aspects to a minimum and only in relation to the tour provided rather than about fellow riders.
If you are ready to proceed, please use the following section to submit your Review!